
“Just 13 percent of Americans believe that the country is headed in the right direction, according to a New York Times/Siena College poll. The poll, published on Monday, found that 77 percent felt the country was headed in the wrong direction, ...” The Hill

Do you think this situation can be reversed? You're not getting the full story from the media, even conservative media. Talk Radio MORE! follows up topics requiring much more discussion than talk show hosts will provide or tolerate. Yes, there are subjects prohibited by conservative talk show hosts. "They have the keys to the kingdom, enter not themselves, and prevent others from entering. Matthew 23:13" Conservative talk radio is not the opposite of liberal views, it's just different, not a useful antidote. Learn much MORE! here.

Big Bad Microphone


Newly expanded to 40 pages!

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Attn: Process Book
2923 Frog Hollow Road
Jefferson City, Missouri

How Legal Process Has Been Used
to Methodically Overthrow the USA

This is the most relevant overview of the legal history of the USA
and is of high a quality as the content of this website.
Major court cases are explained, a reading list is suggested, new and contrary opinions advanced, all avoided by conservative talk radio.

Talk Show Plus
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Talk show hosts are very intelligent people. They put on a show every day and offer an alternative view to liberal thought.

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Talk Show Minus
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The very format of talk radio prevents thorough discussion of topics all the way to a full understanding. Complicated issues cannot be explained with a sound bite.

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Shows Followed
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Multiple talk shows are followed on radio, plus several more television, cable and internet shows.

See LIST ...
Pamphlets and Booklets
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Several social movements have started without pitchforks and rioting villagers; they were started with the distribution of, quiet reflection on and discussion of pamphlets. No one likes being told they are wrong to their face. Accept a pamphlet, read it in solitude, digest it. If you agree with it, then you can claim it to be your own idea!

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Second Amendment
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The 2nd Amendment has been analyzed every which way, pro and con, even resorting to an English Teacher's opinion as to what the sentence means. There's more to the 2nd Amendment than just the 2nd Amendment. The Constitution must square with all four of its corners; but since the Reconstruction Period, it now has five!

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The Abortion Issue
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It has become an electoral single-issue topic or an irrelevant polarizing hot-button. But it is not an isolated conundrum in the grand parade of social problems. It has something to do with your relation to government involving your rights!

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Gender Confusion
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Boys can be girls, girls can be boys, men can compete in women's sporting events. Ketanji Brown Jackson cannot offer a definition of a woman. It's not just nonsense, there is a constitutional provision requiring this.

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Illegal Immigration
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Thousands of foreigners walk across a supposed border of the United States yet officials say the border is secure. Is something lacking here?

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Postal Service Monopoly
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Why does the United States Government have a monopoly on First Class Mail? All discussion focuses on more economical means of other delivery services like UPS, Fed Ex and smaller local distribution providers.

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"I Uphold

 the Constitution!"

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So says the politician and judge. When a blanket statement like this is made, it shows the ignorance or deceitfulness of the one making the claim. The Constitutions for the USA and the several States have been changed, having contradictory clauses in them now. What part of the Constitutions are these officials upholding against you?

Coming Soon!
How A Citizen Is Made
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Can government make anyone a citizen? What is the origin of citizenship? Are there different kinds of citizenship?

Coming Soon!

The Unified Theory

 of Social Issues

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Natural events and phenomena were thought to be controlled by demons and spirits; but as man investigates, he is finding God's Natural Order in the Universe. Scientists are seeking the Unified Theory of Physics by which all natural phenomena can be understood in relation to each other. What about social issues? Are they a disorganized lot of happenstance?

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Patriotic Images
Eagle and FlagLiberty BellMinuteman Patriot

So this makes an authentic patriot website?

People need much better information to be fully advised to make important decisions. Patriot pictures and slogans won't cut it anymore. Getting teary-eyed and choked up during the National Anthem is not enough.