What do you mean, Illegal Immigration?

Politicians and administrators say the border is secure; yet, thousands of foreigners from a multitude of countries find their way into the USA every day. Millions have arrived and there is no effort to send them back. Are these government functionaries inept or is there some reason why this mass migration is allowed, even promoted?

Illegal immigration is someone’s unauthorized entry into a country; a border must be involved somewhere.  The government of the United States seems to ignore this lately.  But do you know the United States of America never had a border?

States Existed Prior to the USA

Checking the Constitution for the USA, no overall border is described. The only mention of any border, and not even the location of that border, is Article I, Section 8, Clause 17:

To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings;

The land ceded to the new government of the USA must necessarily have been part of the land independently held in dominion by those States in order for those States to have the ability to cede that land.

States Establish the Location of the USA

When the Constitution for the USA was under consideration to be ratified by conventions of the several states, it was not known how many of the states would join; nor was it known how many more states, and their locations, would be added to this union. A border of the USA could not have possibly been described. The border of the USA was the borders (plural) of the several contiguous states that made up the USA.  Each state constitution had a surveyor’s description of the state; together, these surveyor descriptions added up to make the overall border of the USA.

“… the State governments are, by the very theory of the Constitution, essential constituent parts of the general government.  They can exist without the latter, but the latter cannot exist without them.  How is it possible that the national government can be dangerous to the liberties of the people, unless the States, and the people of the States, conspire together for their overthrow.” Commentaries on the Constitution, Volume 2, page 370, Chief Justice Joseph Story, 1833.

State constitutional boundaries separate the states into distinct jurisdictions, separate themselves from the national government and separate all of themselves from foreign powers and their subjects.  A state with a boundary fits into the federal system as the original Constitution for the USA describes.

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What do you mean,

Illegal Immigration?


Governor Abbot complains about the lack of help from the US government in curbing illegal immigration. The national policy actually encourages this immigration. Yet, Texas officials and the Texas public do not address the simplest of issues affecting the immigration problem. Texas never had a State Border in any of its Constitutions.

Texas has seven constitutions in its history.  When Texas was part of Mexico, its eastern/northern boundary was set in 1819 by the Adams-Onís Treaty between the United States and Spain.  Texas formed a Free and Independent State of the Mexican Confederacy [1833].

“Art. 96. The state of Texas shall include all the country formerly known as the province of Texas.”

Free from Mexico, the Republic of Texas was an independent nation south of the United States that existed from April 21, 1836 to February 19, 1846; its constitution has no boundary.  The Constitution of 1845 was submitted without a boundary when Texas was annexed by the United States.

The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed by Mexico and the United States in 1848 naming the Rio Grande River as their border.  Any treaties with foreign governments for acquisition of land, such as the Louisiana Purchase, could only be for the eventual formation of new states.  From this Purchase, Missouri’s Constitution of 1820 has a surveyor’s description of its boundary.

“Article I. Of Boundaries. We do declare, establish, ratify, and confirm the following as the permanent boundaries of said state, that is to say: 'Beginning in the middle of the Mississippi river, on the parallel of thirty-six degrees of north latitude; thence, west, along the said parallel of latitude, etc.'”

At the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861, a Texas constitution was drafted without a boundary.  The 1866 Texas constitution after the cessation of hostilities had no boundary.

In 1868-1869 a constitution was proposed for splitting off part of its territory as West Texas; finally, this constitution contains a surveyor’s description of the boundary of this new state.

“ARTICLE VII. GENERAL PROVISIONS. SEC. 1. The boundaries of the State of West Texas are hereby defined as commencing at a point in the Gulf of Mexico, three miles from the shore opposite the middle of the main channel of Pass Caballo, thence up the middle of said channel and of Matagorda Bay to the mouth of Colorado River, thence up the middle of the main channel of said river, with its meanders to the point where said river is intersected by the thirty-second parallel of North latitude, thence along said parallel to a point ___ miles west from said river, thence in a straight line to the junction of the Pecos river and Rio Grande, thence down the main channel of the Rio Grande, with its meanders, to the Gulf of Mexico, thence along parallel to the shore of the Gulf of Mexico, three miles from the land to the place of beginning.”

However, this constitution was never adopted, Texas territory remained as it was and in 1876 its present constitution was ratified without a boundary.

Texas never had a border as a state so the U.S. has nothing to defend down there.  Texas cannot even claim to be a state – what venue would it have? – a territory of the United States?  The role of the U.S. government is only discretionary in regards to its treaty with Mexico.  Texas may not defend its non-existing boundary and the national government rightfully prevents it.

Even a well-designed machine needs routine maintenance to see that all parts are in place and functioning properly.  The public has not paid sufficient attention to changes or omissions made to both the Constitution for the USA and their state constitutions.  In this case, the door to unrestricted immigration and world government is wide open.  A lack of boundaries is one of the several defects in state constitutions today.

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What do you mean,

Illegal Immigration?

When the Constitution for the USA was under consideration to be ratified by conventions of the several states, it was not known how many of the states would join; nor was it known how many more states, and their locations, would be added to this union.  The border of the USA was actually the borders (plural) of the several contiguous states which made up the USA.  Each state constitution had a surveyor’s description of the state; together, these surveyor descriptions added up to make the overall border of the USA.  Any treaties with foreign governments for acquisition of land, such as the Louisiana Purchase, could only be for the eventual formation of new states such as Missouri.  Missouri’s Constitution of 1820 has a surveyor’s description of its boundary.

“Article I. Of Boundaries. We do declare, establish, ratify, and confirm the following as the permanent boundaries of said state, that is to say: 'Beginning in the middle of the Mississippi river, on the parallel of thirty-six degrees of north latitude; thence, west, along the said parallel of latitude, to the St. Francois river; thence, up, and following the course of that river, in the middle of the main channel thereof, to the parallel of latitude of thirty-six degrees and thirty minutes; thence, west, along the same, to a point where the said parallel is intersected by a meridian line passing through the middle of the mouth of the Kansas river, where the same empties into the Missouri river; thence, from the point aforesaid, north, along the said meridian line, to the intersection of the parallel of latitude which passes through the rapids of the river Des Moines, making the said line correspond with the Indian boundary line; thence, east, from the point of intersection last aforesaid, along the said parallel of latitude, to the middle of the channel of the main fork of the said river Des Moines; thence, down, and along the middle of the main channel of the said river Des Moines, to the mouth of the same, where it empties into the Mississippi river; thence, due east, to the middle of the main channel of the Mississippi river; thence, down, and following the course of the Mississippi river, in the middle of the main channel thereof, to the place of beginning.'”

After the cessation of hostilities of the Civil War, a second state constitution was proposed in 1865 and it had no state boundary.  In 1875, another state constitution was proposed and it only declared the boundary previously adopted by law was the boundary without naming any specifics.  “By law” could mean the boundary of Missouri as a territory for lack of any specific law.  As such, the People of Missouri would have no protections under Article I, Section 10 of the Constitution for the USA.  In 1945, another constitution was proposed and it has no boundary.  Many other states have quietly dropped any description of a boundary from their constitutions.

Even a well-designed machine needs routine maintenance to see that all parts are in place and functioning properly.  The public has not paid sufficient attention to changes made in both the Constitution for the USA and their state constitutions.  In this case, the door to unrestricted immigration and world government is wide open.  A lack of boundaries is one of the several defects in state constitutions today.

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What do you mean,

Illegal Immigration?

In other states such as Arizona, the public has amended its constitution to allow the state legislature to modify the boundary of the state.  Although there is still a surveyor’s description in their constitution, they have reduced the constitutional mandate to be merely statutory under the discretion of the legislature.  Even though the state legislature has or has not made any modification to the boundary, there is no longer a requirement for them to protect Arizona as a state nor the USA as a sovereign country.

Even a well-designed machine needs routine maintenance to see that all parts are in place and functioning properly.  The public has not paid sufficient attention to changes made in both the Constitution for the USA and their state constitutions.  In this case, the door to unrestricted immigration and world government is wide open.  A lack of boundaries is one of the several defects in state constitutions today.

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What do you mean,

Illegal Immigration?

With no mention of a border in a State Constitution, what can the legislature say about the subject? It cannot re-iterate something in statutes that does not exist in its constitution; yet, it can try to do the best it can in another circumstance.

Kentucky Revised Statute 1.100 describes the boundary between "Kentucky" and Virginia/West Virginia; KRS 1.200 between "Kentucky" and Ohio/Indiana/Illinois; KRS 1.300 between "Kentucky" and Missouri; KRS 1.400 between "Kentucky" and Tennessee.

Lacking a state constitutional border, the legislature just cannot tie these descriptions together into a complete state boundary of a real state. In addition to describing the boundary between itself and its neighbors, a complete border description would declare the boundary between itself AND THE UNITED STATES. The legislature cannot describe itself and its border AS A STATE. Kentucky's status is no more than a political subdivision of the United States.

Even a well-designed machine needs routine maintenance to see that all parts are in place and functioning properly.  The public has not paid sufficient attention to changes made in both the Constitution for the USA and their state constitutions.  In this case, the door to unrestricted immigration and world government is wide open.  A lack of boundaries is one of the several defects in state constitutions today.



The USA never had a border. The border of the USA was actually the borders (plural) of the several contiguous states that made up the USA.  Each state constitution had a surveyor’s description of the state; together, these surveyor descriptions added up to make the overall border of the USA. After the Civil War and the Reconstruction Period, these borders have been removed from, or made statutory by changes in, states' constitutions. The public does not care enough to look for reasons why the border is out of control. Government agents rely on public ignorance to advance their agendas.

A related topic is your state officials do not want your state to be recognized as or operate as a state; they prefer that your state operate as a political subdivision of the United States. The states' representation was given up in the Senate by the 17th amendment. States no longer have their own Citizens but now have residents via the 14th amendment. The former states now carry out national process and redistribute tax money collected from their residents, a tax that no state Citizen should owe except for their voluntary enrollment in the national Social Security scheme. The lack of state boundaries in their constitutions reinforces this topic.

As a Citizen of a real State, you had protections under Article I, Section 10, Clause 1 (the right to demand gold or silver coin and no Bills of Attainder, for examples); living in a political subdivision, you do not.