The Unified Theory of Social Issues

Here's a letter to the editor, submitted to the News Tribune newspaper, Jefferson City, Missouri. This newspaper limits the length of letters to 400 words and also provides a title to the letter. The paper also edits punctuation and capitalization for style, as well as change the words of the author, sometimes contrary to the wishes of the author and quite destructive of the intent of the author. This letter however was not altered.

No Progress

When Topics Discussed

in Isolation

June 15, 2020

Dear Editor,

Scientists and engineers have studied various phenomena in nature and these efforts came to be grouped under headings such as chemistry, biology, physics, magnetism, electricity, mass, gravity, etc.  As research continued, it was found these distinct fields were related, such as biology and chemistry, chemistry and electricity, electricity and magnetism, even matter and energy.  A Unified Theory of Physics is sought wherein the origin and relation of all branches of science can be explained.

There also exists a Unified Theory of Social Issues.  Actually there are two of them and they contradict each other; a progressive in one sense is considered regressive in the other.  Each theory has not been fully explored; nevertheless, they bear upon all social issues, one way or the other.  Discovering and perfecting one Unified Theory of Social Issues, or the other, brings each topic into alignment with all others as one coherent thought process.

Social problems do not come out of the blue or singly, but arrive and arrange themselves in groups based on principle according to the particular unified theory.  Each social theory is expressed in the origin of the universe, origin of life, topics of race, religion, gender, marriage/patronage, suffrage, the origin of rights, nature of citizenship, immigration, the nature of courts, borders, money, debt, legal status, power of attorney, abortion, the scope of government, but in opposite ways.  New issues will come along, which could not be foreseen, but once they show up they are continued expressions of one principle or the other.  Not recognizing the underlying theory in play will lead to an unending wellspring of problems as issues emerge.

Unwillingness to fully explore one of these issues will prevent understanding all of them; unwillingness to explore the full range of topics will prevent understanding each one.  An opinion on a topic might be surprisingly contrary to the relation it has to other subjects until it has been corrected and brought into alignment with the principle in force.  The social goals of people will not be fulfilled when their opinions don’t fit the theory they suppose.  A series of social problems can be traced to some earlier mistaken notion.

Socialists/progressives revel in their successes without realizing what else comes with their agenda.  Conservatives are wrong on some topics, not realizing their contradictions, so they make ineffectual arguments.  Both sides, put on your thinking caps.


Well, there it is in 393 words, an introduction of a new theory, the phenomena it intends to describe and the further claim of not one but two competing theories.


"This website does for your mind what a comb does for your hair!"
John - Man on the Street

"This explains the full depth and breadth of social issues!"
Mark - Man on the Street

"It's like, 'E Pluribus Unum, Out of Many, One' except it is 'Out of One Problem, many Problems!'"
Luke - Man on the Street