Our Purpose

Talk Radio MORE! follows up topics requiring much more discussion than the talk show host will provide or tolerate. Yes, there are subjects prohibited by talk show hosts. "They have the keys to the kingdom, enter not themselves, and prevent others from entering. Matthew 23:13" Conservative talk radio is not the opposite of liberal views, it's just different and not a useful antidote. Talk Show Hosts have settled into a comfortable life. They have a microphone, an audience who is receptive to their analysis and sponsors to pay their bills. Why upset this business model by introducing any other narrative. Why improve?

But when your liberty is restrained, when you are facing loss of property and even life, you try a little harder to understand your situation. You read court cases, you study the history of the USA and your State from a legal standpoint. You perceive relationships between issues. You understand the Civil War. You are relieved of the party struggle between Republicans and Democrats.

Who We Are

A rag-tag assortment of young men, frustrated with the spread of socialism, overbearing government and public indoctrination (and this is in the early 1980s) set out to learn why this is the course of every country since the beginning of written history.

From various backgrounds and pursuing solutions to their own personal problems, they gradually came together with one understanding – all social problems have a common denominator. One man studied the income tax, another studied traffic law, another studied domestic relations; still others - property rights, right to keep and bear arms, jury nullification. Digging deep into these subjects, legal status - your relation to the public - was found to affect everything. This opened the door to other subjects – immigration, public debt, race relations, religion, abortion. All of these and more will be tied into The Uniform Theory of Social Issues.

We have no formal training, no credentials, no letters doctorate. You can find plenty of other people like that but you won't hear anything new from them. We just have the burning desire to figure out what is going on with our country. It has been a great adventure. Come along!


"This website does for your mind what a comb does for your hair!"
John - Man on the Street

"This explains the full depth and breadth of social issues!"
Mark - Man on the Street

"It's like, 'E Pluribus Unum, Out of Many, One' except it is 'Out of One Problem, many Problems!'"
Luke - Man on the Street