Why should the USA have a monopoly on Mail?

People argue the delivery of mail should be opened up to any competing entity. Points are made the mail might be delivered faster or might be less expensive. Conservative talk radio has not progressed past this point.

Issues raised against private mail

Forbes online Magazine outlines seven Constitutional and practical reasons why the postal system should not be privatized in this article.

But there is More!

The possession and custody of legal process must remain with some department of government. One of the methods of legal process service is through the mail.

Second, the US Congress threatens to withhold highway financing unless the States comply with other demands made by Congress. The States should turn the argument around and demand Congress exercise its power under Article I Section 8 Clause 7, "To establish Post Offices and post Roads" to help finance highways. This keeps the jurisdiction of the national and state governments in their proper places under a federal system.

This leads to the third benefit, the ability to mail a first class letter to anywhere in the USA, for the same price, to reinforce the idea we live in sister states as part of a unified nation. Missouri is as connected to Kansas as Maine is connected to California in this way.


Some government department must retain possession and custody of the mail as a means of serving legal process.

Congress should exercise its power under Article I Section 8 Clause 7, "To establish Post Offices and post Roads" to help finance highways to preserve the relation of national and state governments under a federal system.

The ability to mail a first class letter to anywhere in the USA, for the same price, reinforces the idea we live in sister states as part of a unified nation.