Talk Show Pluses

Conservate Talk Radio has introduced and somewhat developed conservative thought to many people. Liberals believe conservative talk radio and similar shows on cable TV have influenced elections.

The Specifics

In all fairness to talk radio, talk radio hosts and other conservative media outlets, let's review their positive points. Talk show hosts are very intelligent people, have good-sounding articulate voices (good pipes) on the radio, are versed in a wide variety of subjects, witty, have some common sense and are entertaining. Some callers cannot put together and speak coherent sentences; the good talk show host can pick up the caller’s point and re-enunciate it clearly. Some callers cannot get to their point and the good talk show host can bring the caller to his point or, if not getting the point, can thank them for calling and move on to the next caller or segment of the show. A good talk show host can come up with and present a wide variety of topics for discussion. A good talk show host is there every day during his schedule. A good talk show host moves the show along, maintaining interest of his listening audience.


Conservative Talk Shows on radio have introduced and somewhat developed conservative thought to many people. The programs could be heard at home or on the go on a car radio. The talk show Hosts are generally intelligent, cover a wide variety of topics and keep the show moving along. They show up reliably every day at the same time with something to say on some current event.