Several pamphlets are available in doc and pdf form.

Can issues be reduced to one page of paper? Maybe requiring two sides of a page of paper? It wouldn't take long to read and forces the author to be concise.

Download pamphlets. These are in Word .doc format or .pdf format. They can be printed in duplex mode so both sides of the paper are used. Do not change anything in these pamphlets; if you want something different in the pamphlet, write you own and send a copy to me.

If you think these pamphlets have merit, have you made a hundred copies of them and distributed them to everyone you know and meet? If not, the patriot movement has once again died today.

These files also work as attachments to emails you send to fellow defenders of the republic!

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Gender Confusion

This pamplet traces Gender Confusion to its source, the 14th amendment.

Word doc

Adobe pdf

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Better Information about

  the Second Amendment

This pamphlet delivers a concise legal history of the USA to further the understanding of the right to keep and bear arms. There's more to it than just the Second Amendment. The principle spills over into every social issue today.

Word doc

Adobe pdf

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TEXAS! What do you mean,

  Illegal Immigration?

combined with Missouri-specific reverse side,

What do you mean,

  Illegal Immigration?

The simplest of things escape the attention of people. Where exactly is Texas? Where exactly are any of the other States? Altogether, where exactly is the United States? Can you prove where they are? Are immigrants actually entering a defined area of the United States? Do State Authorities antagonize their citizens?

Word doc

Adobe pdf

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The Abortion Issue

It's not just an electoral single-issue topic, nor an irrelevant polarizing hot-button, it has to do with your rights, your relation to government.

Word doc

Adobe pdf

Trying to Keep Up

In addition to socialists pushing their liberal agenda, conservatives don't understand the bigger picture and often go logically astray. The situation is spiraling out of control. Not every errant opinion can be rebutted but are repetitive among the sources followed so perhaps some ground may be gained. Yet, socialist thought spawns an infinite number of issues. It's hard to keep up, especially when the conservative public does not participate in the process.